Managing the lifting equipment on your site presents many compliance issues.
The lifting equipment on your site need to be carefully managed in accordance with PUWER, LOLER, and governmental legislation. In order to remain compliant, you must hold a record of service and ROTE reports that are available when requested as proof of compliance.
This can present a number of issues:
- Large amount of paperwork and filing.
- Takes a lot of time.
- Locating critical reports and information about your lifting equipment.
XpressView is the solution
Street Cranexpress offers the solution. XpressView is an automated reporting system that will improve your crane service experience, making access to your service reports faster, easier, and more efficient.
- Enables our engineers to access equipment schedules and upload inspection data instantly.
- Hold a legal and accurate record of equipment inspections.
- Historical reports for all equipment are stored securely and can be accessed online from anywhere with an internet connection.
- Inspection results are accessible online once the equipment is inspected
- Users can access reports via their login on XpressView

The XpressView platform holds all the history and details specific to each of your cranes or items of lifting equipment. When our engineers come to inspect your equipment, the XpressView system allows them to quickly and easily access each crane’s data and inspection schedule. They can then focus on providing an expert service and inspection for your equipment.
Get Access
Overhead Crane Service customers get access to their XpressView account once they sign up with us. It’s all part of the premium crane service experience provided by Street Cranexpress, and it comes at no extra cost to you.
Overhead Crane Repairs
Using data available to you on XpressView, our team of specialist estimators will provide you a quote for any remedial repairs identified by our engineers during a service.
You will have all the information available to you, so you can make the most informed decision on how to proceed.
Using the Data from your Reports
As your regular reports from Street Cranexpress are uploaded to XpressView, trends in the data will begin to show. It’s from these trends that our specialist estimating team will provide recommendations for improvements and upgrades to your existing system.
These trends could show a particular part of a crane or hoist that is giving you repeat issues, or a safety concern that is showing frequently, these issues would be spotted by our experienced team and solutions would then be recommended to you. This is a major benefit of having easy access to your lifting equipment’s service history.